AnaLog or Analysis

PEARLS Evaluation VDARE + CWBS/AWBS Score1 Score2 Score3 AnaLog

AnaLog or Analysis

The AnaLog program is named Analysis. It is a Behavior Analysis program that allows  you to measure 20 behavioral categories. It will run on your computer. I recommend  you put on a thumb drive or memory stick as the only file. It will produce the text files it needs on the root directory, where ever that happens to be. It can be run on an external memory stick. It stores output in /XTesting subdirectory.  You might need to create that subdirectory if you are not using it for the other programs provided here. After a session, you can copy and paste the files created to any place you want. Clean up the files between sessions or the program will just keep appending text. That is why it is called AnaLog. It stands for Analysis Log. Right click on the Manual to change the categories to preselected ones. If you what something different, contact me (800 595-4053). Click on Manual and there will be additional information.