Child Well-Being Scales (CWBS)
In response to the need for services accountability, Stephen Magura and Beth Silverman Moses wrote Outcome Measures For Child Welfare: Theory and Applications (copyright 1986 by the Child Welfare League of America, Washington, DC). They covered the development of the Child Well-Being Scales and the use of the scales in client family assessment and program evaluation. Norms, reliability and validity data are presented in the book. This computerized version of the Child Well-Being Scales automates the process of documenting family needs. The CWBS Total Score was determined [by Factor Analysis] to have 4 categories or groupings: Household Adequacy (HA), Parental Disposition (PD), and Child Performance (CP). The Reliability and Validity values are reported in their book for these factors. The DSM [before the DSM-5] reported a Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) value for individuals from 1 to 100 for the overall functional ability of a person. The Global Relationship Assessment of Functioning (GRAF) is a scale from 1 to 100 for the same purpose with families. It is descriptive and not statistical. Earlier versions of this computer program were more complicated. I have taken this down to a simple program that scores the items, saves these scores by family names that you create, and collects them into a file. There is no complicated error correction in here. If you make a mistake, go to the CWBSDATA.rtf file and change it in a text word processor such as Notepad. Then save it back with the same name. The rtf extension is Rich Text Format so Word can find it, but it is just a text file. Put this program on a thumb drive, memory stick, or the root directory of your computer, and it will save the data at the same location. Run the program for each intake or follow-up. Save the information to your report or word processor document at you go. My virus checker has a fit with wanting to check the program all the time and then finding it is not a problem. It is a pain, but not beyond reason. That is why we have virus checkers. If you put the program on the root directory of your computer, the virus checker does not have to keep checking it. The Child Well-Being Scales program is an easy and effective way to assess family needs. It also provides a way to evaluate program effectiveness. Read the Manual button on the program to get more information. For Technical Assistance, call 800 595-4053.
Child Well-Being Scales (CWBS)
Adult Well-Being Scales (AWBS)
The Adult Well-Being Scales (AWBS) is the Child Well-Being Scales with the titles, explanations, and help items changes. Adults in foster homes, group homes, dependent on familly or other caregivers have the same concerns as adults as they had as children. The mathematical analysis of what impacts there well-being is consistent. Norms, reliability and validity data are presented in the book. This computerized version of the Child Well-Being Scales automates the process of documenting family needs. The CWBS Total Score was determined [by Factor Analysis] to have 4 categories or groupings: Residential Adequacy (RA), Caregiver Disposition (CD), and Client Performance (CP). The Reliability and Validity values are reported in their book for these factors. The DSM [before the DSM-5] reported a Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) value for individuals from 1 to 100 for the overall functional ability of a person. The Global Relationship Assessment of Functioning (GRAF) is a scale from 1 to 100 for the same purpose with families. It is descriptive and not statistical. Earlier versions of this computer program were more complicated. I have taken this down to a simple program that scores the items, saves these scores by names that you create, and collects them into a file. There is no complicated error correction in here. If you make a mistake, go to the AWBSDATA.rtf file and change it in a text word processor such as Notepad. Then save it back with the same name. The rtf extension is Rich Text Format so Word can find it, but it is just a text file. Put this program on a thumb drive, memory stick, or the root directory of your computer, and it will save the data at the same location. Run the program for each intake or follow-up. Save the information to your report or word processor document at you go. My virus checker has a fit with wanting to check the program all the time and then finding it is not a problem. It is a pain, but not beyond reason. That is why we have virus checkers. If you put the program on the root directory of your computer, the virus checker does not have to keep reviewing it. The Adult Well-Being Scales program is an easy and effective way to assess needs. It also provides a way to evaluate program effectiveness. Read the Manual button on the program to get more information. For Technical Assistance, call 800 595-4053.
Adult Well-Being Scales (AWBS)